Self-picking Pumpkin and squash

Squash and pumpkin self-picking is usually available from the second week of September until the end of October. Since squash is more sensitive to cold than pumpkins, it is recommended to practice squash self-picking during the month of September for better results.

We have over 250 varieties of squash and pumpkins in all shapes and colors.

This year’s price is $1.50 per pound for squash and $0.50 per pound for pumpkins.

We provide wheelbarrows to make your picking easier.

Preservation method

For storage, the ideal temperature for your squash and pumpkins is 12°C with 60% humidity. However, from a more practical standpoint, a basement can be a good place if the humidity level is not too high.

A higher temperature will accelerate the maturation of your squash, and higher humidity will speed up the rotting process. To improve storage, the most important factor is to purchase squash and pumpkins that are free from any injuries.

Important: Never store squash or pumpkins in the fridge or in cold temperatures. A cold temperature like that found in a fridge destroys the subtle flavors. However, once cut, it is essential to store squash and pumpkins in the fridge for health and safety reasons.

To improve storage, it is essential to have fully mature squash and pumpkins.